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A member registered Mar 01, 2019

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This is a fun little game, thanks for sharing!

(1 edit)

Super fun game, thanks so much!  I did notice some weird behavior while using my 1541 Ultimate II to run the game.  I'm on a NTSC C64, so the 1.01 version hangs at the end.  But loading the 1.02 version I get a black screen when selecting Start Game.  However if I load the game into the Flash Disk on my U1541II then it works just fine.  Kinda weird but I wanted to let you know.  Thanks again for my new favorite C64 game!  :)

(2 edits)

I did not realize there was a new distro.  My Next is updated and Refelectron is now working.  So sorry to bother you with this!  From now on I will check for a system update first.  ::embarrassed::

Hi!  When I try to run the new version my Next gives me the error:

C Nonsense in BASIC, 40:1

and then kicks me out to NextBASIC.  When I then try typing in RUN I get:

Driver already installed, 18:1

and it kicks me back out to NextBASIC again.  The first version ran fine, and I tried re downloading and installing this twice.  Just wanted to let you know!